Associate Professor in the Department of Management in The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership major in Physical Education
Associate Professor Agricultural Entomology, BCKV-Agriculture University, West Bengal, India
Anatomical Pathologist at The Benjamin Mkapa(BMH), Dodoma
Professor Department of Chemical Engineering AC Tech Campus, Anna University
Associate Professor Engineering, Agriculture, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus, Dalhousie University Full-time, Term, Associate Professor
lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the College of Arts/Salahaddin University
Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Pr.Merab Kiladze Chief of Surgery Department American Hospital Tbilisi Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Senior Data Scientist, Syntelli Solutions, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Senior RPA-UiPath Developer Raas Infotek, Delaware, USA
DATASCIENTIST/BIOINFORMATICIAN Development of mathematical models and algorithms to improve genome editing efficiency and reduce T-cell exhaustion.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Benue State University, Nigeria. & Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX United Kingdom United Kingdom
Professor in Biology, Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Morocco
Adjunct Lecturer : Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Sfax
Director of the Scientific Promotions Unit at the College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq
Senior RPA Developer,Surge Technology Solutions, Inc Katy, TX
Senior Programmer Analyst,Stony Brook University (State University of New York)
Architect, Lead and Developer, Sephora, California, USA